Monday, November 29, 2010

Agenda 11/29/10 Monday

1. Film: Cuckoo's Nest
2. HW: Read to top of 106.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Agenda 11/10/10 Wednesday

1. Essay Exam Section 3.1 Begins
2. HW: Multiple Choice Exam Section 3 Friday (Period 6)
Essay Exam Section 3.2 Friday

Monday, November 8, 2010

Agenda 11/8/10 Monday

1. Exam Review Section 3
2. HW: Post Complete Learning Outcome Answers
Exam Section 3 Wednesday
Vocab and Case Studies Due

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Agenda 11/4/10 Thursday

1. Bell Task: Discuss Socio-cultural explanations for happiness.
2. Discussion 3.3
3. HW: Bring mark scheme for your assigned question tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Period 5 Section 3 Homework

Please post section 3 learning outcomes here. Please include the following in the subject line. 1. Last name 2. learning outcome number (ex. 3.1.b)

Period 6 Section 3 Homework

Please post your learning outcome questions here. Subject Line should include: Last name and Learning Outcome # (ex. 3.1.c)

Agenda 11/2/10 Tuesday

1. Bell Task: Discuss at least two cognitive factors with relevant research related to happiness.
2. Discussion 3.3: Happiness
3. HW: Bring hard copies of Learning Outcome questions to class.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Agenda 10/25/10 Monday

1. Bell Task: Analyze the statement: "If I only had more money I'd be happy"
2. Discussion 3.3
3. HW: Exam Section 3 Wednesday

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Agenda 10/20/10 Wednesday

1. Bell Task: Discuss socio-cultural research that relates to cognition (learning/memory)
2. Discussion 3.1
3. HW: Finish Learning Outcome Questions and Post.
Finish Reading 3.2

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Agenda 10/19/10 Tuesday

1. Bell Task: Describe one study that shows the importance of the Working Memory Model in education.
2. Discussion 3.1
3. HW: Finish 3.1 Reading

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Agenda 10/13-14/10 Wed-Thurs

1. Bell Task: Describe the concept of schema theory.
2. Discussion 3.1
3. HW: Read through page 83

Monday, October 4, 2010

Agenda 10/4/10 Monday

1. Bell Task: Discuss the Rational Choice Theory as it pertains to criminal behavior.
2. Prisoner's Dilemma Activity
3. Discussion 2.3
4. HW: Exam Section 2 Wed/Thurs

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Agenda 9/30/10 Thursday

1. Bell Task: Discuss at least 2 of 3 biological theories related to criminal behavior.
2. Discussion 2.2-2.3
3. HW: Finish Section 2.3
Exam Section 2 next Thursday

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Agenda 9/28/10 Tuesday

1. Bell Task: Using relevant studies, discuss the issue of intelligence and it's causes.
2. Discussion 2.2
3. HW: Finish 2.3
Find One IQ test online and take it. Respond to class forum.
Exam Section 2 Next Week

Friday, September 24, 2010

Agenda 9/24/10 Friday

1. Bell Task: Discuss the concept of mirror neurons citing research from the text.
2. Discussion 2.1
3. HW: Finish 2.2

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Agenda 9/22/10 Wednesday

1. Bell Task: Comment on the techniques and limitations of brain imaging technology.
2. Discussion 2.1
3. HW: Finish Section 2.2

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Agenda 9/15/10 Wednesday

1. Bell Task: Discuss how research demonstrates the role neurotransmitters play in memory formation.
2. Discussion 2.1
HW: Read through pg. 56 (2.2)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Agenda 9/13/10 Monday

1. Exam Section 1
2. HW: Section 2.1 read through pg. 42

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Agenda 9/7/10 Tuesday

Psychology Interview and Obeservation Rubric
Due Wed and Thurs. this week.

The Interview will include the following (15):
1. Answers to the Be a Researcher Questions on pg. 32
2. A hypothetical research question that would benefit from the interview.
3. The researchers show appropriate attempts to minimize issues related to interviewer and participant bias.
4. Ethical considerations are appropriately handled.
5. Interview Questions fit with the stated research question.
6. Detailed description about each group members contributions to the project

The Observation will include the following (15):
1. Answers to the Be a Researcher questions on pg. 33
2. A hypothetical research question that would benefit from the observation.
3. The researchers show appropriate attempts to minimize issues related to bias and reliability.
4. Ethical considerations are appropriately handled
5. Observation fits with the stated research question.
6. Detailed description about each group members contributions to the project

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Agenda 9/2/10 Thursday

1. Bell Task: Compare and contrast qualitative research and quantitative research.
2. Discussion 1.3
3. Group Assignments: Interviews and observations
HW: Finish Reading 1.4 + Plan for interviews and observations.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Agenda 9/1/10 Wednesday

1. Bell Task: Discuss issues that must be considered by researchers when doing observations.
2. Discussion 1.4
3. HW: Finish Section 1
Plan Group Project

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Agenda 8/31/10 Tuesday

1. Bell Task: Compare and contrast field vs. natural experiments.
2. Discussion 1.3
3. HW: Read through pg. 34

Monday, August 30, 2010

Agenda 8/30/10 Monday

1. Bell Task: Discuss various ethical considerations that must be considered when doing research.
2. Group Experiments
3. Discussion 1.2
4. HW: Finish 1.3

Friday, August 27, 2010

Agenda 8/27/10

1. Bell Task: Please discuss the various types of sampling in research.
2. Discussion 1.2
3. HW: Finish 1.3

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Agenda 8/24/10 Tuesday

1. Bell Task: Describe Dweck's Theory of Motivation
2. Discussion 1.1
3. HW: Read Section 1.2/ Signed Syllabus

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Updated 4/30/10: Final Exam Short Answer

Here is a list of possible exam questions for Monday (in class, short answer).
Students with A or B as of today(optional). Students with C or lower (mandatory)

Group A (3 of these will be on test, pick 2 to answer)
1. Discuss ethical considerations when carrying out research. 1.2, 1.4
2. Explain, using examples, the effects of neurotransmission on human behavior. 2.1
3. Discuss the extent to which genetics influence behavior. 2.2
4. Discuss the causes of criminal behavior from an integrative perspective. 2.3
4a. Discuss the six factors that influence compliance. 4.2

Group B (3 of these will be on the test, pick 2 to answer)
5. Evaluate Schema theory with reference to research studies. 3.1
6. Discuss how social or cultural factors affect on cognitive process. 3.1
7. Evaluate the extent to which cognitive and biological factors interact in emotion. 3.2
8. Evaluate social identity theory. 4.1
9. Explain social learning theory making reference to relevant research studies. 4.2

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Agenda 3/10-11/10 Wed-Thurs

1. What has cross-cultural research found about pro-social behavior?
2. Discussion 8.1
3. HW: Start 8.2 Read through pg. 275

Friday, March 5, 2010

Agenda 3/5/10 Friday

1. Bell Task: Discuss some evolutionary explanations for altruism.
2. Prisoner's Dilemma Experiment
3. Discussion Section 8.1
4. HW: Finish Section 8.1

Friday, February 26, 2010

Agenda 2/26/10 Friday

1. Exam Section 6 Return
2. Film: The Developing Child
3. HW: Class Monday (P2) Tuesday (P3) will be a study hall.
Finish Section 8.1: Human Relationships

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Agenda 2/23/10 Tuesday

1. Exam Review/Essay Question Outlines
2. List of Case Studies for HW are on Wiki
3. HW: Exam Section 6 Wed/Thurs.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Agenda 2/22/10 Monday

Section 6 Exam Wed or Thurs.
HW: Vocab + Case Studies+ Learning Outcomes

Friday, February 19, 2010

Agenda 2/19/10 Friday

1. Outline the following questions:
a. Discuss the concept of resilience in children and ways to insure that it can be built.
b. Examine various research studies and their implications on the formation of relationships.
c. How may deprivation or trauma in childhood affect later development?
2. HW: Review Section 6.3
Exam Section 6 Wed./Thurs.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Agenda 2/12/10 Friday

1. Journal Checks
2. HW: Next week we finish presentations.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

6.1 Quiz

6.1 Quiz will NOT be on Class Marker (In Class tomorrow)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Agenda 1/26/10 Tuesday

1. Group Presentation Prep
2. Presentation Schedule: Wed/Thurs
Biological Research into Development
3. HW: Finish 6.1

Monday, January 25, 2010

Section 6 Presentation Rubric

Groups will be graded in the following fashion:

Content (20): Groups accurately and completely presented the needed content from the text.

Creativity (10): Groups presented material in a creative and interesting way.

Visual Aids (10): Groups made use of effective visual aids.

Questions (5): Groups created and presented 3-5 potential quiz questions. Multiple Choice or Short Answer.

Agenda 1/25/10 Monday

1. Bell Task: Describe brain development for babies in the first two years.
2. Section 6 Presentation Groups
3. HW: Work on group presentation ideas for your section.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Agenda 1/22/10 Friday

1. Bell Task: Discuss various reasearch methods in developmental psych and their pros/cons.
2. Discussion Film and 6.1
3. Finish 6.1 Learning Outcomes.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Agenda 1/11/10 Monday

1. Video: Jane Elliot: A Class Divided
2. Discussion 4.3
3. HW: Quiz 4.3 Tuesday

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Agenda 1/8/09 Friday

1. Bell Task: Using support from your text, discuss effective and ineffective ways to potentially reduce prejudice.
2. Outlining Studies: Biological, Cognitive, Socio-cultural
3. Discussion 4.3
4. HW: Finish 4.3

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Agenda 1/6-7/09 Wed-Thur

1. Bell Task:
a. Explain the difference between stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination.
b. Discuss research on the origins of prejudice.
2. Group Work: Device a study to test how people may cognitively be prejudiced.
3. Discussion 4.3
4. HW: Finish 4.3

Agenda 1/5/09 Tuesday

1. Take the Implicit Association Test related to RACE on pg 128 (see website).
2. Answer Wiki Discussion Questions
3. HW: Read All Section 4.3
Finish Vocab and questions (on Wiki).