Thursday, September 30, 2010

Agenda 9/30/10 Thursday

1. Bell Task: Discuss at least 2 of 3 biological theories related to criminal behavior.
2. Discussion 2.2-2.3
3. HW: Finish Section 2.3
Exam Section 2 next Thursday

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Agenda 9/28/10 Tuesday

1. Bell Task: Using relevant studies, discuss the issue of intelligence and it's causes.
2. Discussion 2.2
3. HW: Finish 2.3
Find One IQ test online and take it. Respond to class forum.
Exam Section 2 Next Week

Friday, September 24, 2010

Agenda 9/24/10 Friday

1. Bell Task: Discuss the concept of mirror neurons citing research from the text.
2. Discussion 2.1
3. HW: Finish 2.2

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Agenda 9/22/10 Wednesday

1. Bell Task: Comment on the techniques and limitations of brain imaging technology.
2. Discussion 2.1
3. HW: Finish Section 2.2

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Agenda 9/15/10 Wednesday

1. Bell Task: Discuss how research demonstrates the role neurotransmitters play in memory formation.
2. Discussion 2.1
HW: Read through pg. 56 (2.2)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Agenda 9/13/10 Monday

1. Exam Section 1
2. HW: Section 2.1 read through pg. 42

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Agenda 9/7/10 Tuesday

Psychology Interview and Obeservation Rubric
Due Wed and Thurs. this week.

The Interview will include the following (15):
1. Answers to the Be a Researcher Questions on pg. 32
2. A hypothetical research question that would benefit from the interview.
3. The researchers show appropriate attempts to minimize issues related to interviewer and participant bias.
4. Ethical considerations are appropriately handled.
5. Interview Questions fit with the stated research question.
6. Detailed description about each group members contributions to the project

The Observation will include the following (15):
1. Answers to the Be a Researcher questions on pg. 33
2. A hypothetical research question that would benefit from the observation.
3. The researchers show appropriate attempts to minimize issues related to bias and reliability.
4. Ethical considerations are appropriately handled
5. Observation fits with the stated research question.
6. Detailed description about each group members contributions to the project

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Agenda 9/2/10 Thursday

1. Bell Task: Compare and contrast qualitative research and quantitative research.
2. Discussion 1.3
3. Group Assignments: Interviews and observations
HW: Finish Reading 1.4 + Plan for interviews and observations.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Agenda 9/1/10 Wednesday

1. Bell Task: Discuss issues that must be considered by researchers when doing observations.
2. Discussion 1.4
3. HW: Finish Section 1
Plan Group Project