Friday, March 18, 2011

Agenda 3/17/2011

Pretest on Chapter 10
1. Explain some limitations with qualitative research and how researchers overcome this?
2. Identify different types of interview techniques and specify the reason for each. Ex: active listening.
3. Compare and contrast participant observation and naturalistic observation.
4. Explain how a case study could be used to investigate a problem in an organization or group (ex: a football team, a school, a family, etc.)

Warm-up 3/16 & 17
1. Identify the differences between qualitative and quantitative studies/data?
2. Name one kind of sampling and discuss what it entails.

Read Chapter 10 section 1 and 2 by Monday.
Write a response to the blog by Sunday at 8:00 p.m.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chapter 6 test questions

Developmental Psychology Unit
Post Assessment:

Three of the following five questions will appear on the chapter 6 test. You will be given the option to answer two of those three questions in essay form. Each question will be worth 50 points.

1. Compare and Contrast at least two developmental theories. Include all parts of each theory including who proposed the theory and examples of each step to receive full credit.
2. Argue the rights of multiple genders and how they have changed worldwide over the last century. Be sure to include at least two relevant studies that show whether or not gender has a social, cognitive, or biological basis.
3. Explain how attachment is developed using social developmental theories such as that of Bowlby and his predecessors as well as ways to test attachment using the strange situation paradigm.
4. How is resiliency able to compensate and reinforce for negative environmental and developmental factors. Utilize at least three experiments and their outcomes in your answer.
5. Argue how media has changed the look and self worth of adolescent children and how globalization may affect this idea in the long run. Include at least two developmental theorists’ ideas as to why this occurs at this age.