Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Learning Outcomes Chpt 10 Periods 5 & 6

Learning Outcomes Chapter 10 Period’s 5 and 6

1. Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative data
a. Writer = Matt, Editor = Tara
2. Explain strengths and limitations of a qualitative approach to research.
a. Writer = Lily, Editor = Anna
3. Explore the extent to which findings can be generalized from qualitative studies.
a. Writer = Sheila, Editor = Leslie
4. Discuss ethical considerations in qualitative research.
a. Writer = Francesca, Editor = Eliot
5. Discuss sampling techniques appropriate to qualitative research (eg. Purposive sampling, snowball sampling.)
a. Writer = Connor, Editor = Elyana
6. Explain the effects of participant expectations and researcher bias in qualitative research.
a. Writer = Rachel C., Editor = Anne
7. Explain the importance of credibility in qualitative research.
a. Writer = Irma, Editor = Eleah
8. Explain the effect of triangulation on the credibility/trustworthiness of qualitative research.
a. Writer = Liz, Editor = Chloe
9. Explain reflexivity in qualitative research.
a. Writer = Michal, Editor = Evan
10. Evaluate semi-structured, focus group, and narrative interviews.
a. Writer = Daniel, Editor = Ben
11. Discuss considerations involved before, during, and after an interview (e.g. sampling method, data recording, traditional versus postmodern transcription, debriefing.)
a. Writer = Libby, Editor = Michael
12. Explain how researchers use inductive content analysis (thematic analysis) on interview transcripts.
a. Writer = Olivia, Editor = Hope
13. Evaluate participant, non-participant, naturalistic, overt, and covert observations.
a. Writer = Nick, Editor = Zahava
14. Discuss considerations involved in setting up and carrying out an observation (e.g. audience effect, Hawthorne effect, disclosure.)
a. Writer = Spencer, Editor = Mohira
15. Discuss how researchers analyze data obtained in observational research.
a. Writer = Mohira Editor = Rachel B.
16. Evaluate the use of case studies in research.
a. Writer = Tara, Editor = Anna
17. Explain how a case study could be used to investigate a problem in an organization or group (e.g. a football team, a school, a family.)
a. Writer = *, Editor = *
18. Discuss the extent to which findings can be generalized from a single case study.
a. Writer = *, Editor = *

There are 4 more extra credit spots left that weren’t filled. Since 5th period is working on this in class tomorrow, two people in the class can pick one of the last two topics, two people from 6th will do the same on Thursday.

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