Monday, August 31, 2009

Agenda 9/1/09 Tuesday

1. Bell Task: Be a Researcher pg. 21
2. Discussion 1.2
3. HW: Finish Learning Outcomes 1.3

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Agenda Monday 8/31/09

1. Bell Task: Pygmalion Effect
a. State the aim, procedure, and findings of the study?
b. Do you think the teachers were informed about the aim of the study?
2. Discussion 1.2
3. HW: Finish Section 1.3

Friday, August 28, 2009

Agenda 8/28

1. Bell Task: How can you demonstrate critical thinking in life? Why is it important?
2. Discussion 1.1
3. Wikispaces
4. HW: Finish Reading 1.2 and Learning Outcomes

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Agenda 8/26-8/27

1. Bell Task: Explain Dweck’s Theory of Motivation.
2. Back to School Night Extra Credit (10pts.)
3. Wikispace
4. Andrea Yates Case Study
a. Levels of Analysis
5. Discussion 1.1
6. HW: Finish 1.2 Learning Outcomes (Typed: Separate Paper)