Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Agenda 10/27/09 Tuesday

1. Memory Experiment
2. Objective: Discuss different models for memory in 3.1
3. HW: None or Finish 3.1
Finish Film Questions, Join Gmail, Invite me to view the questions.

Agenda 10/27/09 Tuesday

1. Memory Experiment
2. Objective: Discuss different models for memory in 3.1
3. HW: None or Finish 3.1

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Agenda 10/21-22/09 Wed-Thurs

1. Bell Task: Explain the concept of cognitive schema and give a real world example.
2. Film Discussion:
a. Connect the film to as many concepts/sections in Section 2 of your book.
b. Why do you think the drug stopped working?
c. What was the lesson to be found in the film?
d. Can you make a connection to the concept of schema theory and the film?
3. Discussion 3.1
HW: Finish 3.1 and open gmail account.

Agenda 10/20/09 Tuesday

Same as Monday

Monday, October 19, 2009

Agenda 10/19/09 Monday

1. Film: Awakenings (Get film questions from blog)
2. HW: Finish 3.1 Reading and Learning Outcomes

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Agenda 10/15/09 Thursday

Awakenings Film Questions (Due after the film next week)
1. What caused the brain damage to the "frozen" people in the film?
2. Why do you think Lucy could keep walking when the pattern on the floor continued?
3. Analyze the film in terms of concepts found in your textbook.
4. How was music important to the "frozen" people?
5. What kind of music "worked?"
6. Why did Dr. Sayer have to stop using the drug L-Dopa on the "frozen" patients?
7. Are there any ethical considerations in this film?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Agenda 10/13/09 Tuesday

1. Exam Section 2 Review
2. HW: Read Section 3.1
Finish Learning Outcomes

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Agenda 10/6/09 Tuesday

1. Continue Chalk Talk
2. Exam Review
3. Finish IQ Tests
4. HW: Exam Wed/Thurs
Learning Outcomes + Vocab Due

Monday, October 5, 2009

Agenda 10/5/09 Monday

1. Bell Task: Discuss different hormones and what they do?
2. Chalk Talk: Section 2 Review
3. HW: Exam Tuesday?