Friday, December 11, 2009

Period 2 Exam Passwords and Instructions

Period 2
Please login and change your password ASAP. Exam is scheduled to be ready by Sunday at 11AM. If you try and start the exam on Sunday but it's not ready at 11AM, check back with this blog to see if I changed the time.

Go to

Everyones initial password is: Period2

First name Last name User name Password

Alpert David alpert64 Period2

Batjargal Bayarjargal batjargal17 Period2

Bawmann Oliver bawmann22 Period2

Bebus Kyra bebus32 Period2

Brown Xavier brown4798 Period2

Bui Kathy bui254 Period2

Faselt Zoe faselt13 Period2

Garcia-Gonzalez Karina garciagonzalez45 Period2

Gardner Darren gardner367 Period2

Gonzales Chiara gonzales668 Period2

Haley Kalah haley2471 Period2

Hayes Joshanna hayes669 Period2

Hitchcock Callie hitchcock46 Period2

Hurst Randall hurst92 Period2

John Kylina john31409 Period2

Klepinger Kara klepinger19 Period2

Marsh Carissa marsh1693 Period2

McGinnis Leorah mcginnis68 Period2

Pantoja-Quinones Pablo pantojaquinones31 Period2

Park Alex park2609 Period2

Patrick Brendan patrick6735 Period2

Prado-Irwin Camila pradoirwin28 Period2

Reed Takara J reed977 Period2

Ruby Marjorie ruby813 Period2

Ryan Katrice ryan13535 Period2

Sandoval Tanner sandoval426 Period2

Simmons Nathan simmons747 Period2

Swisher Meagan swisher39 Period2

Tarler Thomas tarler39 Period2

Than Philong than753 Period2

Topic Amel topic41 Period2

Uribe Araceli uribe144 Period2

Webb Matthew webb551 Period2

Wolfe Victoria wolfe343 Period2

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