Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Updated 4/30/10: Final Exam Short Answer

Here is a list of possible exam questions for Monday (in class, short answer).
Students with A or B as of today(optional). Students with C or lower (mandatory)

Group A (3 of these will be on test, pick 2 to answer)
1. Discuss ethical considerations when carrying out research. 1.2, 1.4
2. Explain, using examples, the effects of neurotransmission on human behavior. 2.1
3. Discuss the extent to which genetics influence behavior. 2.2
4. Discuss the causes of criminal behavior from an integrative perspective. 2.3
4a. Discuss the six factors that influence compliance. 4.2

Group B (3 of these will be on the test, pick 2 to answer)
5. Evaluate Schema theory with reference to research studies. 3.1
6. Discuss how social or cultural factors affect on cognitive process. 3.1
7. Evaluate the extent to which cognitive and biological factors interact in emotion. 3.2
8. Evaluate social identity theory. 4.1
9. Explain social learning theory making reference to relevant research studies. 4.2

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