Tuesday, January 25, 2011

agenda 1/24/2011

1. Warmup 1/24/2011
Period 5

Pick three of the following topics and give 1 example of the three in relation to a study

Period 6
Identify at least one situation for each topic in the movie Donnie Darko.

1. Attribution
a. Actor-observer effect
b. Dispositional factors
2. Errors in attribution
a. Fundamental attribution error
b. Self-serving bias
3. Social Identity Theory
a. In-group
b. Out-group
c. Social comparison
4. Social representation
5. Social learning theory
a. Observational learning
b. Vicarious reinforcement
6. Conformity
a. Groupthink
b. Cognitive dissonance
7. Individualism
8. Collectivism
9. Social cognition
10. Impression management theory

2. Discussion 4.3

3. Movie (Donnie Darko)

4. Homework: Study for test

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